Certified Profit First Professionals

Bringing Profit First to Australian small businesses and sole traders
Nourish Your Numbers is now a certified Profit First professional!
I am so excited to announce that Nourish Your Numbers has completed the final step to becoming a certified Profit First professional and is able to bring Profit First services to small business and sole traders.
My Profit First Journey
I discovered Profit First about 4 years ago and contacted Laura at Profit First Australia quite a few times during those years about becoming accredited, but I always felt the timing wasn't quite right for my business. I was wrong!
This has been a pretty intense 6 months for Nourish Your Numbers. After falling out of love with Books2BAS Services and considering re-joining the workforce, I re-branded and changed direction.
I wanted to be involved in my clients businesses and help them understand what those numbers on the reports actually meant. I didn't want to do analysis by app. I wanted real, hands on analysis. Profit First has given me all that and more….
After an intensive training program and then sitting a final exam (I thought those days were over!) of theory and practical application of Profit First, I have finally become a certified Profit First professional.
It goes without saying that I have implemented Profit First into my own business as well as other clients, so I’m on top of any issues you may run into trying to do it yourself.
Profit First Professionals Australia
I have met a great network of other Australian Certified Profit Professionals, who are truly supportive, and I know I have the backup of an amazing organisation.
Certified Profit First Professionals in Australia are uniquely qualified to deliver business consulting services to help businesses increase their profits using the Profit First methodology.
So why is this important to you?
This is important for you, the business owner, as it enables me to provide you with the tools, methods and support to quickly (and easily) guide your business to higher levels of profitability.
In case you are not familiar with the Profit First concept yet, it is a method developed and documented by business author Mike Michalowicz. Nearly immediately after its introduction, Profit First became the most popular book of all time on how to systematically (and easily) grow profits in any business. Profit First became a TED talk, had an entire segment on MSNBC, was written about in Forbes, and was featured in AccountingToday all in the same week.
Profit First is a behavioural way of managing money in your business, it works with your natural money managing tendencies instead of against them.
Nourish Your Numbers is currently the only bookkeeper in South Australia, to provide businesses with guidance and support using the Profit First methods. And as a result, my clients will directly benefit.
But the Coronavirus is here and everything is uncertain?
Unfortunately, it is, but Profit First will help you find trends around your finances – and you will soon know if you need to cut back your expenses and by how much. It’s never too late to feel empowered about your finances. Don’t do what I did with my certification and put it off for years, the timing is never going to be right. The right time is NOW.
To find out more and book in a free Getting To Know Your Business to see what Nourish Your Numbers and Profit First can do for your business, contact me HERE
Prepare Your Business For Profit First
A free guide to getting your business ready for Profit First implementation.
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