The three Pillars of our Membership

In my years in business, I've come to realise that these three things matter the most in order to operate a successful business. With that in mind they are the backbone of our AgriGrowth Alliance membership program.


No matter what type of business you have, a clear strategy gives you direction and focus. It creates a higher level of awareness and a clear sense of direction, enabling you to ensure that every decision and action you make aligns with the outcome you want to achieve.


The lifeblood of your business, but not just as a number on a report. What’s important is actual cash profit; money in the bank or cash in your pocket. Profit gives you the freedom to achieve the business and personal goals that are important to you.


You wouldn’t expect your machinery to operate without fuel, so why expect the same of yourself? You are an essential part of the farm; you matter, your mental health matters. Make yourself a priority. Nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

This is for you if:

✅ You have an Agricultural or Rural business

✅ You are currently doing your own bookkeeping but want peace of mind that your financial data is correct and can help you make future decisions

✅ You feel uncertain or overwhelmed by your finances

✅ You feel you should understand your financial situation better

✅ You want to connect, learn and collaborate with others who understand your specific challenges

✅ You don't believe in doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same result.

✅ You are looking at making permanent changes in your business and life

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What's included in the membership?

Foundation Membership

AgriGrowth Alliance


per month

Become a founding member and get all this for $47 per month

  • Weekly face-to-face online meeting
  • Private support group
  • Resources to use in your business
  • Dedicated online learning platform
  • Expert advice from your financial team with on-demand bookkeeping & money management advice
  • Access to an industry expert in agriculture
Nourish Your Numbers

This woman knows her numbers, loves numbers and cares for her clients"